heliamphora heterodoxa x nutans
Devisions of my main plant that i finally decided to break up and share around. Heliamphora are a fantastic companion plant for nepenthes or as a fantastic start of a collection its self. heliamphora come from the south american tepuis growing in almost constant rainfall and cooler tempratures. although heliamphora can seem daunting heterodoxa x nutans is very forgiving plant and easy to grow so a great first plant.
Growing condition
Difficulty: Easy
Type: highland
Water: clean water, such as rain or RO water if the water in your area is too hard
Light: bright light
Humidity: High humidity preferred
For anymore information on these plants please feel free to contact us directly and I'll be more then happy to help.
We can only send plants within Australia only, excepting NT, WA and TAS.
Devisions of my main plant that i finally decided to break up and share around. Heliamphora are a fantastic companion plant for nepenthes or as a fantastic start of a collection its self. heliamphora come from the south american tepuis growing in almost constant rainfall and cooler tempratures. although heliamphora can seem daunting heterodoxa x nutans is very forgiving plant and easy to grow so a great first plant.
Growing condition
Difficulty: Easy
Type: highland
Water: clean water, such as rain or RO water if the water in your area is too hard
Light: bright light
Humidity: High humidity preferred
For anymore information on these plants please feel free to contact us directly and I'll be more then happy to help.
We can only send plants within Australia only, excepting NT, WA and TAS.
Devisions of my main plant that i finally decided to break up and share around. Heliamphora are a fantastic companion plant for nepenthes or as a fantastic start of a collection its self. heliamphora come from the south american tepuis growing in almost constant rainfall and cooler tempratures. although heliamphora can seem daunting heterodoxa x nutans is very forgiving plant and easy to grow so a great first plant.
Growing condition
Difficulty: Easy
Type: highland
Water: clean water, such as rain or RO water if the water in your area is too hard
Light: bright light
Humidity: High humidity preferred
For anymore information on these plants please feel free to contact us directly and I'll be more then happy to help.
We can only send plants within Australia only, excepting NT, WA and TAS.